Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Beautiful Blessings

I'm so glad God's plan for me is not my own. I'm so glad He sees fit to provide me with beautiful gifts I would have missed out on left to my own devices.

As soon as my son woke up from his nap yesterday I made sure he was happily playing with his toys and put in my workout DVD. The music started and I began to move, suddenly his little voice rang out with peals of laughter. He jumped up and ran over to me and started marching in place just like mommy, squealing with laughter the entire time. As I continued to work out he ran around me giggling and throwing himself around the back of my legs. I had to pick him up so he would no get hurt (adding about 21 pounds of resistance *lol*) and he squealed even more as he bounced up and down in my arms. Once the intensity picked up to an in place jog I had to put him down. I simply jogged around in a tiny little circle chasing him as he ran. By the time the first mile was over I was laughing so hard I could barely breathe. What a great way to workout!

When my husband came home from work I decided he had to see it fist hand, so I popped in my DVD and began mile 2. Sure enough, my little man ran over and started working out with mommy. I thought my husband was going to fall in the floor laughing.

The unbelievable thing to me is that children were never in my plans. I grew up hard. I felt that I had already raised a child (me) and did not want to raise another. Truthfully, part of me was terrified that I'd never be able to be the kind of mother a child deserved. I was afraid of turning out like my mother. I also have physical issues that doctors told me would make it near impossible for me to become pregnant much less carry a child. My husband and I discussed this before we married. Although he loves children, he had been married before and he and his first wife were unable to conceive. Medical testing showed that due to "slow swimmers" the chance of him being able to produce a child without medical intervention was slim to none.
The first year of our marriage I took "the pill" just in case. The hormones didn't agree with me so I stopped taking them. After 5 years of marriage my husband and I had no reason to believe the doctors were wrong. We lived life the way we wanted, and never gave it a second thought. Then in late summer of 2007, I ended up pregnant. I'll save the story of my pregnancy for another time, but after much struggle we ended up with a beautiful baby boy.

The strangest thing about it was that I NEVER had a moment of not wanting my son. Despite never wanting children, despite the huge surprise that changed my entire world, I wanted this little boy from the moment I saw those pink lines. I believe that he is a gift from God and we were meant to have him at the exact moment he came.

My precious little boy worked out with his mommy again this morning. I know that not only is he having fun, he's also learning the habit of exercise. Even though he does not know it, he's giving me all the motivation in the world.

Yesterday I:
Drank 3-16 oz glasses of water (one less than my goal)
Completed Mile 1 and Mile 2 of 5 Mile Fat burning Walk
Did 10 girl push ups


  1. What a beautiful story. Thank you so much for sharing this personal part of your life. And what a wonderful legacy of health you are instilling in your little man!

  2. Hi. Thanks for stopping by my blog. This story is so cute. What a little blessing your workout buddy is :).
